DeadTubbies 2: The Reason transports players into a haunting narrative set amidst the ruins of a once-beloved children's show, transforming the whimsical world of Teletubbies into the backdrop for a gripping horror experience. The game delves into the origins of a terrifying catastrophe, set just over a month prior to the events encountered by the character Phil. As players immerse themselves in this chilling prelude, they'll find suspense and intrigue awaiting at every turn, with a protagonist whose extraordinary tale will hold their attention.
Ensure your device is equipped with a minimum of a Snapdragon 625 SoC and 2GB RAM or more to seamlessly step into this darkly twisted universe. Players will uncover the prequel to a sensational story, piecing together the puzzle of an unforgettable nightmare.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
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